Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thing 21 - Learn how tags are essential in this site.

We learned about tags, tagging and folksomony in week 8. This week, we looked at Flickr. Tags are really important in this photo sharing web site. Tags allow you to share your photos in many different and very creative ways. In many ways, Flickr has features similar to online social networking sites that we talked about in Week 7. Check out the discovery resources below!

Discovery Resources

Do More with your photos - Flickr

The Friendster of Photo Sites” by Katharine Mieszkowski, Salon, 12/20/2004

Flickr - Wikipedia

Flickr + Libraries= Scary, scary, scary - Blog post by Michael Stevens, ALA TechSource, 7/28/2006

Ten Ways to use Flickr in your library - Blog post by Michael Stevens, Tame the Web, 11/11/2006

Visualizing the Flickr social network - Flickr Central Discuss

Help / Tags - Flickr

Discovery Exercise

  1. Read at least 2 of the Discover Resources and think about how Flickr is different from traditional photosharing web sites.

  2. Create a blog post with your thoughts. Dig deep with this one: To get you started, why is tagging important? What does it allow users to do? How does community develop on Flickr?

Wow! 21 Things complete so far. Keep going --- you're almost there.

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