Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thing 14 - Add an entry into the Virginia Beach Public Library's Reader's Advisory wiki.

The Virginia Beach Public Library is already using wikis for staff communication, training and development. The Reader's Advisory Team has an exciting new wiki with hints and tips as well as great discussion opportunities.

Discovery Resource

VBPL Reader's Advisory wiki at

Discovery Exercise

1. Comment on the RA wiki: Tell us about your favorite book. Post a comment in the Staff Picks section of the wiki that includes the book's author, title and a brief plot summary. Keep it short --- no more than 3 sentences.

2. Make it relevant: Add at least 2 keywords or tags that describe the book's plot, setting or other appeal factors for the reader.

3. Blog about your experience. To get you started, here are some questions: Was it easy to figure out how to add your comments and edit the page? How can other library groups use wikis to communicate?

Get ready! Next week is all about online social networking sites.


Linda said...

As a guest...
I posted my book title on Staff Picks with no problem -- however,
I wanted to go back and add tags in the History Page - Comments column and I couldn't.
So I signed up for Wikispace hoping that would make a difference, it didn't. So..
How do I go back and add tags to an entry I had already made?
Is it at another spot??
Thanks for helping to find an answer to my question!

Cindy Hart said...
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Cindy Hart said...

There is not an exact or right format for exercise 14. We'll learn more about tags in week 8. I would have added my entry like this:

Wynne-Jones, Tim. The Boy in the Burning House. Two years after his father's mysterious disappearance, Jim Hawkins is having a difficult time coping with his incertainty and grief. Then he meets Ruth Rose, the quirky stepdaughter of Jim's father's childhood friend, Father Fisher --- the town pastor. Ruth shocks Jim when she calls Father Fisher a murderer. Tags: Murder, Mystery, Canada, Insanity, Grief

Lady Black, the Raven said...

Tags are well and good, but can you give a good explanation as to why add tags to this sort of entry? Tags are only well used if you have a selection you want to look at and wish to narrow down a list. I know I don't want to use ctrl-F to go searching through a page such as that to find Tags. so what is the point?

Litabell 2.0 said...

I have posted an entry as per your example. My question is: How do you know who posted it and does it count for my 14th thing.